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Official reference site

of the Aporetic Music

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In these pages you will find informations on Aporetic Think, as far as useful documents, and audio samples to understand the main outlines of this musical trend.


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Reserch & Development Office

Researches - Twinnings - Masterclasses

Here You will find more about the Masterclass Courses, in the musical or other fields, organized by the Aporetic World Team, about University twinnings, Final degree Thesis of the best students, around the world, on the Aporetic Philosophia, or on the Aporetic wide Think.
Here we will publish the main infos to reach these and other materials.

    Best Professional Researches

  • The Union Institute University of Cincinnati, OH (USA)

    Ph.D. of professor Lucius R. Weathersby:
    Main Research on the Aporetic Think

  • S.I.S. Improvement University Courses for teachers and professors, Venice (Italy)

    The Exagramm System and the Aporetic Thought of dr. Patron,
    held by professor Matteo Segafreddo (April 2003)

  • Masterclass & Courses

    For the new Masterclasses and Symposium with the founder of the Aporetic Music dr. A.Patron,
    start booking since now at The Secretary Office of the "International Cultural Association V.Colombo"


    Aporetic World collaborate with the main european pipe organ and music associations:

    "Vincenzo Colombo" (www.vincenzocolombo.org)

    Itinerari Organistici (www.itinerariorganistici.it)

    Carnia Armonie (www.carniarmonie.it)

    Italian Federation of Composers (www.aporeticworld.com/FCI)

    International Society of Art & Research (www.palmasinternational.com)

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