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Official reference site

of the Aporetic Music

Official Image of Aporetic Philosophia©

In these pages you will find informations on Aporetic Think, as far as useful documents, and audio samples to understand the main outlines of this musical trend.

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APORHTIKH PHILOSOPHIA                                    WE CELEBRATE OUR 26 YEARS ON INTERNET, stretching contemporary culture !
A p o r e t i c   W o r l d   p r o m o t e s   c u l t u r a l    a n d    s o c i a l    g r o w t h    f o r    t h e    m a n k i n d

Version date: Year XXVI, N.3 - February 2025  -  This official web-site was opened on 5 December 1999 (other previous websites were lauched in 1996)
This is the main page of Aporetic World - Official site of the Aporetic Philosophy and Aporetic Music contemporary composition movement (implementation of Aporetic Philosophy principles), founded in the late 80's by Dr. A.Patron
Essays & Discussions

Welcome !

This is the official renewed web-site of the Aporetic Philosophy, founded by dr.prof. Alberto Patron. Since the first internet appearance in 1996 of the Aporetic thought, We (the Aporetic World Team and Community) have costantly updated, monitored and rebuilt, with a lot of work, all the wide electronic data available on this philosophy, to gain and develop interesting things related to our field; now (1999) we've decided to become reference and official communication board for the Internet Community demand.
For many years the Aporetic Music has become one of the most important example of what should be the next age [the long searched next thing] of the contemporary cultured music. Many Academics says: "...the Aporetic thought is the most innovative music idea in the last thirty years!..." . This contemporary cultured music trend comes from the core of the Aporetic Philosophy, the first thought which was able to apply philosophical research matters to the musical field.
The Aporetic Philosophy finds his roots in the ancient Greek classics, but stretch the analisys and research to a new dimension of awareness, based on the Idea of Life as unknowable source of everything, present in everything also in the Death which nothing is but changing state of Life Source. All come from this core tag.
Aporetic World represent the means to develop the Aporetic Philosophy, and Aporetic Philosophy represent the core of the Aporetic Music, instrument for the cultural and social growth of the mankind.
We cannot count all the articles, studies and dissertation which was writed all over the world, on reviews, newspapers and so on, about the innovative Aporetic Idea. Proud of this exiting push, we are sparkling moved to keep update and alive this reference board, for all who believe in the Music as a soul-aid of and for the people. Aporetic World provides not only explanation and dissertations on the Philosophical field but also the latest updates to the searching aim of musical creations and of research "tout court". The composers with this brand idea, will find new materials for their creativeness. The performers step beyond to a new dimension, where to playfulness score is melted with their own sensibility and real capabilities and skill. The people who hear these musical performance will step too, chained to this uninterrupted process to a deep feelfulness of joy, which of course let them to realize something real to mantein in their memory for years and years, upcalling just by a think of that performance, a vivid sensation and experience, which might help to overcome the boring times of the human life, and finally to create and transmit peace. Every concerts where this music was performed were unique pearl of joy feelings. Of course these come from the Aporetic Philosophy thoughts.

Internet utility

The actually technology is sure a great thing. We cannot have a personal bad interconnection with this type of devices. As every thing could be use or misuse. Just keep the real utility of these electronical services. This is why we realize this digital board, so all the people who desire to have cultural relations can do it.

Aporetic Music publishings

Aporetic World works to promote and publish Aporetic Music scores of the founder Alberto Patron. For every misuse of the name «Aporetic Music» with or without other terms and names or definitions associated to, please refer to our address, write us to ask information. Aporetic World welcomes cooperations and professional relations to develope the Aporetic Music with business Companies, as well as signs joinventure.


We realize a special Forum where you can have discussions on teoretical things, musical systems, philosophical meanings, and other cultural fields. The Aporetic Think expand itself thru a wide range of fields.

Interview with the founder

Is available and interesting interview with the founder of the Aporetic Philosophia. The innovative ideas and principles of his theory come out for everyone.

The story of the Aporetic Cube and the meaning of the Theory of the Universe

This image displays the figurative core of the Aporetic doubt:
a man in front of a crotch of his way, he doens't know which is the right nor which is the best to take 'cause none of them indeed have any "right" nor "bad" attribute, but each of them could be "right" or "bad". And more, this image is not by chance displayed on a cube, think about the meaning of the cube in the history of world philosophies...
More and deeper of this, the CUBE for the Aporetic Thought (as conceived by the founder A.Patron) represent the tought core of his Universe Theory. The Universe is considered like a revolving multiface cube (obviously, although this representation must not be understood literally, it must be mediated and transfigured metaphysically), it rotates, it has several faces but for us is viewable only one of them, the other faces are considered part of the dark matter (in italian language "materia oscura"), multiverse dimensions, and like in a cube where faces are linked among others by one side, minding that each of other faces we cannot see are other dimensions, you can cross between one dimension and the other along the linked side of them (how to do this or how to understand this is a science task not a philosophy task).
The Universe is a continuously revolving life-path where things start, expand and pass away. This is a no-stop process, without ending.
Thus the question of the human being is not where will it go but who or what or how started this endless process.
In the Aporetic Thought the answer is that the Universe/Multiverse core path is the Progress, where all of us (the human being and all of the other universe/multiverse beings) are moving forward for an overall path of endless Progress.
About the main question of the Aporetic Thought: who or what started the entire universe/multiverse process, the answer is explained with the Absolute Natural Wave (which we also call Music), which could be described as a sort of ground energetic vibration that permeated the Whole at the very start of all the Progress path, which perhaps one future could be retrieve and analysed. .

The International MEM Ensemble

We remember and mention this ensemble of contemporary music, which has promoted for long time the Aporetic thought as well as the Contemporary and Experimental Aporetic music worldwide. The ensemble was constituted by international known artists and performers. The MEM Ensemble

Cultural Joint-venture

Aporetic World thanks and remember the International Society of Art & Research Palmas International: More information could be asket to the international composer and conductor prof. Ferruccio Germani in the U.S.A.


For the friend and colleague dr.prof. L.R.Weathersby (1968-2006). Memorial


Aporetic World would like to thank all the enterprises, industries, factories, firms and business men who trust in our no-profit projects and offer free their services to us, for the cultural and social growth of the mankind.
The Aporetic World Team would like to make special thanks to all the Companies and people who promote our thought

A Big Hug

The Aporetic World want to thanks all the people who give a real support to our grown; the web citizens who votes us among the best world web sites; the high cultural organizations and international institutions (governmental and non-governmental) who believe in our serious work; the engineers who help us towards this virtual creation; the Universities, the professors, and, of course the students all over the world, who made researches and discussions on the Aporetic Philosophy; the Press Offices & Societies who develope the wind of the high culture; and last but not least all the philosophers, performers, composers, writers and social Chieves who, in every time, had push the world and aided the people with their strenght, joy, blood and pain.

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